Collaborative School Committee -CSC-

Class of students showing artwork
Collaborative School Committee (CSC)
What is a Collaborative School Committee?
The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) brings together families, staff, and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. This committee meets regularly throughout the school year and is an opportunity for key stakeholders to have a voice in their school. We recommend that the CSC serves as the primary family involvement structure for schools and that the other structures (such as Title I Family Engagement and ELA Parent Advisory Committees) function as subcommittees. 
Colorado law requires all schools to have a CSC to increase the amount of accountability and family involvement in our schools.
CSC Meeting on Tuesday, October 03, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. in the School Library and Virtually

Hello Green Valley Families,

You are cordially invited to our first School Collaborative Meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We are excited to see you either in person at the school’s library or virtually through the following Google Meet link. We hope to see you there!

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers
‪+1 617-675-4444‬
PIN: ‪791 075 999 8292#‬

CSC Meeting Minute

CSC Meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. in the Conference Room


Brian Kennedy

            Jennifer Buckland

            Manuel Mercado 

            Jessica Hernandez 

            Donald Johnson

            Sara Hernandez

            Martha Gosihu

            Tigist Workneh

            Ashamadfi Yakob

            Kayla Estrada 

            Jessica Zirker 


  • uncheckedWarm Welcome emphasizing GVE priorities: Positive School Culture, High Quality Instruction, Student Ownership
  • uncheckedMission and Vision 
  • uncheckedMajor Improvement Strategies: Attendance, Coaching and Feedback, Data-Driven Instruction
  • uncheckedAn invitation is extended to attendees to be a CSC member
  • uncheckedRepresentation matters in a diverse school MLLs, ECE, SPED, Black Excellence
  • uncheckedPossible next meeting in January, since December, is a short month?
  • uncheckedRole of the CSC- Community Engagement ideas, Parent involvement, Bylaws compliance, student achievement, staff decisions. 
  • uncheckedDonald Jonshson possible member 
  • uncheckedOpen to program changes as we revisit our prior ideas for family engagement. 
  • uncheckedCreating Open spaces for parents to share their voice
  • uncheckedBudget Decisions 
  • uncheckedCopy a DCTA contract will be added to the CSC folder
  • uncheckedWho is on the CSC committee- teacher, community member, classified employee, principal, parents? 
  • uncheckedThe next PAC meeting will be in January 
  • uncheckedELA PAC meeting in the evening to encourage parents’ attendance, pizza, drinks, and child care will be offered. 
  • uncheckedCSC Returning members: Sara Hernandez, Manuel Mercado, Ms. Iftodi, Jessica Hernandez, Chanel Simmons, Jessica Zirker, Tierra Chalk.
  • unchecked717 students ECE-5TH 
  • unchecked87% FRL
  • uncheckedDistributed Leadership Model- 9 member ILT and 7 Specialist 
  • uncheckedObservation and Feedback Cycles
  • uncheckedGVE needs: Social Emotional Learning, guest teachers,  and COVID-19
  • uncheckedAdapting to our new CKLA district curriculum 
  • uncheckedTitle 1 Funds: Interventionist Literacy/Math, Social Worker
  • uncheckedAssessment all the same as last year
  • uncheckedNext CSC Meeting towards the end of January- Academic data, enrollment data, UIP 
  • uncheckedSchool’s funds- inclusion, school bond money, 
  • uncheckedQuestions from the audience.
  • uncheckedWarm closing 
  • uncheckedImprovement for our school 
CSC Zoom Meeting, January 9, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Thank you for attending our CSC School Budget Training in partnership with Financial Services.

As promised, here are follow-up resources from the session. Please feel free to share with your teams!

  • Budget Training Zoom Recording
  • Budget Training Slide Deck
  • CSC Resource Toolkit 
    • This includes links to all CSC resources as well as those referenced in the slide deck from Tuesday’s training.
  • OneDPS
    • This is our new community engagement platform and a place to engage in idea-sharing and discussion around different topics. We have a page dedicated to CSCs, which you can subscribe to for updates and/or share ideas. There are a few live polls as well. We welcome any feedback!

Please let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to continued collaboration!

CSC Hybrid Meeting, Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

Hello Green Valley Families,

You are cordially invited to February’s School Collaborative Committee Meeting on Tuesday, February 6th, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
We are excited to see you in person in the school’s library or virtually through the following Google Meet link. 

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers (‪US‬)
‪+1 617-675-4444‬
PIN: ‪791 075 999 8292#‬


Brian Kennedy

            Jennifer Buckland

            Manuel Mercado 

            Jessica Hernandez 

            Donald Johnson

            Sara Hernandez

            Martha Gosihu

            Tigist Workneh

            Ashamadfi Yakob

            Kayla Estrada 

            Jessica Zirker 

Traecy Iftody


  • uncheckedWarm Welcome emphasizing GVE priorities: Positive School Culture, High Quality Instruction, Student Ownership
  • uncheckedMission and Vision 
  • uncheckedMajor Improvement Strategies: Attendance, Coaching and Feedback, Data-Driven Instruction
  • uncheckedRole of the CSC- Community Engagement ideas, Parent involvement, Bylaws compliance, student achievement, staff decisions. 
  • uncheckedDonald Johnson is the newest member of our CSC committee.  
  • unchecked719 Enrolled students 24 ELA-S New arrivals  

K  59 Students

1st 116 Students

2nd 113 Students

3rd 98 Students

4th 119 Students

5ft 104 Students

  • uncheckedReserved money can only be carried over with the number of current teachers
  • uncheckedDPS Recommended Budget 80/20 non-capital vs capital
  • uncheckedReserve spending on ECE cafeteria tables and student desks
  • uncheckedIncrease Instructional Staff
  • uncheckedAnother possible trailer request has been made. 
  • uncheckedFull-Time GT teacher  
  • uncheckedAdditional SPED teacher
  • uncheckedAdditional Office Support 
  • uncheckedDean of Instruction
  • uncheckedFive specialists including culture and two literacy specialists
  • uncheckedPositions will be posted from the end of February- the beginning March
  • uncheckedAdapting to our new CKLA district curriculum for fourth and fifth grade
  • uncheckedECE Playground options will be chosen soon with feedback from CSC 
  • uncheckedECE Playground construction to begin next summer
  • uncheckedA 6-foot fence will be constructed in the ECE playground.
  • uncheckedSpring parent conferences will be held in March
  • uncheckedMaximize Instructional time
  • uncheckedCMAS and End of year assessment coming up 
  • uncheckedNext CSC Meeting towards the end of January- Academic data, enrollment data, UIP 
  • uncheckedSchool’s funds- inclusion, school bond money, 
  • uncheckedQuestions from the audience.
  • uncheckedWarm closing 
  • uncheckedImprovement for our school 
CSC Hybrid Meeting, Monday, March 18, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to join us and listen as we host our School Collaborative Meeting -CSC- This meeting is open to anyone in the GVE Community in person at the school’s Conference Room, Virtually or by phone with the link below. Be the first one to know about the plans and improvements in our school.

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 617-675-4444‬

PIN: ‪791 075 999 8292#‬

Mission Statement: At Green Valley Elementary we meet all our students’ needs by focusing on and incorporating Student Ownership in High Quality Instruction and A positive school culture for students, families, and staff.

Date: March 18, 2024  Time: 3:30

Meeting Location: GVE Library

Committee Members and Attendees:

Chair: Traecy Iftodi

Secretary: Mercado, Manuel

Parent: Tierra Chalk


Parent: Jessica Zirker

Parent: Chanele Simmons

Parent: Sara Hernandez

Principal: Jen Buckland


Parent: Raiko Johnson

Parent: Kaila Estrada PTO

Parent: Teirria Chalk 

Parent: Donald Johnson


  • March calendar of activities 


Book Fair

Spirit week

Last day of Tumbling class ( small celebration right after) 

PTO Jeans Day 1.00 dollar and donation from students 

  • Fundraiser 

Lots of prizes for kids every day

Class prices 

Grade level prices 

End on Friday with a dance-a-ton during recess ( results right after) 

Spring Break March 25 – April 1

5th grade goes to Ballarat first week after spring break

Parent Volunteer needed

  • Testing days coming up 

Conversations with students about good rest/sleep and cell phones

  • Calendar for 24-25 school year

Two additional PD days for teachers ( Voted by SLT)

  • April meeting ( school data update)

Capital used in the playground ( construction begins during spring break and will be done by the time students return)

The School Amphitheater is ready for classes to use\

Cultural Night is coming up on April 30th 

CSC Hybrid Meeting, April 15, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

Date: April 15, 2024  Time: 3:30

Meeting Location: GVE Conference Room


  • CSC Introduction and Attendance

Committee Members:

Chair: Traecy Iftodi <>,

Secretary: “Mercado, Manuel” <>


Parent: Jessica Zirker <>,

Parent: Chanele Simmons <>,,

Parent: “” <>,

Principal: Jen Buckland <>,


Raiko Johnson

  • GVE Mission, Vision, Priorities 

In unity, we empower our culturally diverse students to exemplify ownership and work together to achieve academic/social success.

At Green Valley Elementary we meet the needs of all of our students by focusing on and incorporating Student Ownership in High Quality Instruction & A Positive School Culture.

  • Principal Updates

Enrollment currently is 743 students 

Will keep track of numbers as the 24-25 school year approaches 

Redistricting within the district? Not affecting GVE

Playground parts will be named by the student council as their legacy

No hoodies on next year 

  • UIP Presentation

UIP Final draft due September 25

Waiting for CMAS data to be shared and making a decision 

Planning process: look back (what happened), where are we now? Looking at root causes ( systems), looking forward ( school systems to fix or improve systems ) to make a big change, and looking at adult behaviors, once adults decide we will project those changes and monitor progress.

  • Next CSC Committee May 28, 2024

   Items proposed by the team: Members will let CSC know of any innovative ideas for next year. 

                        Volunteers for duty 

                        Multicultural Night April 28, 2024

                        Encourage parents to bring a dish to share

                        ECE New playground reveal and coming soon

CSC Hybrid Meeting, May 28, 2924 at 3:30 p.m.

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 617-675-4444‬

PIN: ‪791 075 999 8292#


 Jennifer Buckland

Manuel Mercado 

Jessica Hernandez 

 Samuel Niguesie 

 Sara Hernandez

 Teirria Chalk

 Chanelle Hall-Simmons

  Jessica Zirker 

Traecy Iftody


  • uncheckedWarm Welcome emphasizing GVE priorities: Positive School Culture, High Quality Instruction, Student Ownership
  • uncheckedWe are looking for parents and Staff members to join our CSC team next year.
  • uncheckedIntroduction
  • uncheckedVision and Mission of GVE 
  • uncheckedKey Priorities: Students first, Student Achievement, Student Ownership
  • uncheckedEnrollment for next year. Currently at 743 students
  • unchecked Some changes for next year: include: full-time GT, additional teaching and instructional support, vertical launch to planning, two additional planning days, 
  • uncheckedFree and reduced lunch and a state-of-the-art playground.
  • uncheckedUIP Trajectory final draft due September 6, 2024
  • uncheckedImprovement comes from CMAS two focus areas: status or growth and attendance 
  • uncheckedRoot cause analysis findings:  math and literacy numbers. 
  • uncheckedHow are students compared to their peers across the state?  Individual growth 
  • uncheckedContinuous Improvement Planning Process 
  • uncheckedSLT and ITT hold two meetings to analyze the UIP and find the root cause
  • uncheckedUnified Improvement Plan strategies 24/25: 1. PBIS and 2. Standard Based Instruction
  • uncheckedUniforms next year: no hoodies during instruction- students can walk in wearing a hoodie but will have to hang it during instruction and school hours. 
  • uncheckedPBIS assemblies next year: opportunities to celebrate such as the quietest teachers
  • uncheckedThe curriculum keeps changing but standards are still the same. 
  • uncheckedRefine systems currently in place such as bringing community members to host assemblies. 
  • uncheckedWe need Volunteers to move desks on June 5th from noon to 2 pm. We would like for any person who can lend us a dolly or a flatbed to move new desks. 
  • unchecked Desks will be moved to the gym and picked up by the district on June 10th. Label furniture to stay in the classroom. 
  • uncheckedBack to school night August 15, from 3-5 p.m. CSC will reconvene before this date. 
  • uncheckedMembers will send an email  to Jessica Hernandez if they would no longer like to be part of the CSC committee 
  • uncheckedThis is the final CSC meeting of the school year 2023-24.