Hello Green Valley Families,
You are cordially invited to our first School Collaborative Meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We are excited to see you either in person at the school’s library or virtually through the following Google Meet link. We hope to see you there!
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
+1 617-675-4444
PIN: 791 075 999 8292#
CSC Meeting Minute
Brian Kennedy
Jennifer Buckland
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Donald Johnson
Sara Hernandez
Martha Gosihu
Tigist Workneh
Ashamadfi Yakob
Kayla Estrada
Jessica Zirker
Thank you for attending our CSC School Budget Training in partnership with Financial Services.
As promised, here are follow-up resources from the session. Please feel free to share with your teams!
Please let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to continued collaboration!
Hello Green Valley Families,
You are cordially invited to February’s School Collaborative Committee Meeting on Tuesday, February 6th, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We are excited to see you in person in the school’s library or virtually through the following Google Meet link.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers (US)
+1 617-675-4444
PIN: 791 075 999 8292#
Brian Kennedy
Jennifer Buckland
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Donald Johnson
Sara Hernandez
Martha Gosihu
Tigist Workneh
Ashamadfi Yakob
Kayla Estrada
Jessica Zirker
Traecy Iftody
K 59 Students
1st 116 Students
2nd 113 Students
3rd 98 Students
4th 119 Students
5ft 104 Students
Everyone is welcome to join us and listen as we host our School Collaborative Meeting -CSC- This meeting is open to anyone in the GVE Community in person at the school’s Conference Room, Virtually or by phone with the link below. Be the first one to know about the plans and improvements in our school.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 617-675-4444
PIN: 791 075 999 8292#
Mission Statement: At Green Valley Elementary we meet all our students’ needs by focusing on and incorporating Student Ownership in High Quality Instruction and A positive school culture for students, families, and staff.
Date: March 18, 2024 Time: 3:30
Meeting Location: GVE Library
Committee Members and Attendees:
Chair: Traecy Iftodi
Secretary: Mercado, Manuel
Parent: Tierra Chalk
Parent: Jessica Zirker
Parent: Chanele Simmons
Parent: Sara Hernandez
Principal: Jen Buckland
Parent: Raiko Johnson
Parent: Kaila Estrada PTO
Parent: Teirria Chalk
Parent: Donald Johnson
Book Fair
Spirit week
Last day of Tumbling class ( small celebration right after)
PTO Jeans Day 1.00 dollar and donation from students
Lots of prizes for kids every day
Class prices
Grade level prices
End on Friday with a dance-a-ton during recess ( results right after)
Spring Break March 25 – April 1
5th grade goes to Ballarat first week after spring break
Parent Volunteer needed
Conversations with students about good rest/sleep and cell phones
Two additional PD days for teachers ( Voted by SLT)
Capital used in the playground ( construction begins during spring break and will be done by the time students return)
The School Amphitheater is ready for classes to use\
Cultural Night is coming up on April 30th
Date: April 15, 2024 Time: 3:30
Meeting Location: GVE Conference Room
Committee Members:
Chair: Traecy Iftodi <Traecy_iftodi@dpsk12.net>,
Secretary: “Mercado, Manuel” <manuel_mercado@dpsk12.net>
JESSICA HERNANDEZ <jessica_hernandez@dpsk12.net>,
Parent: Jessica Zirker <jessicaezirker@hotmail.com>,
Parent: Chanele Simmons <chanelesimmons@gmail.com>,,
Parent: “Sara.hernandez44@yahoo.com” <sara.hernandez44@yahoo.com>,
Principal: Jen Buckland <jbuckla@dpsk12.net>,
Staff: BRIAN KENNEDY <bkenned@dpsk12.net>,
Raiko Johnson
In unity, we empower our culturally diverse students to exemplify ownership and work together to achieve academic/social success.
At Green Valley Elementary we meet the needs of all of our students by focusing on and incorporating Student Ownership in High Quality Instruction & A Positive School Culture.
Enrollment currently is 743 students
Will keep track of numbers as the 24-25 school year approaches
Redistricting within the district? Not affecting GVE
Playground parts will be named by the student council as their legacy
No hoodies on next year
UIP Final draft due September 25
Waiting for CMAS data to be shared and making a decision
Planning process: look back (what happened), where are we now? Looking at root causes ( systems), looking forward ( school systems to fix or improve systems ) to make a big change, and looking at adult behaviors, once adults decide we will project those changes and monitor progress.
Items proposed by the team: Members will let CSC know of any innovative ideas for next year.
Volunteers for duty
Multicultural Night April 28, 2024
Encourage parents to bring a dish to share
ECE New playground reveal and coming soon
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 617-675-4444
PIN: 791 075 999 8292#
Jennifer Buckland
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Samuel Niguesie
Sara Hernandez
Teirria Chalk
Chanelle Hall-Simmons
Jessica Zirker
Traecy Iftody
Collaborative Schools Committee Training
Join the Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Team for our fall Collaborative Schools Committee (CSC) Training, Building Effective CSCs, on Sept. 24 from 5:30-7 p.m. Register here to receive the link to the training. Please also share this virtual training with your committee.
As a reminder, complete the Intro to CSCs course in Learning Space. This course is now available for parents and community members on the DPS webpage in the eight most common languages. If you have questions, email schoolgovernance@dpsk12.org.
If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for your attention and participation.
CSC Notes
November 04, 2024
Mr. Mercado – Secretary
Ms. Jessica – Chair
Ms. Sara Hernandez – Chair 2
Would you rather? Brainstorm
GVE Key Priorities
Teirria Chalk
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Kayla Estrada
Raiko Johnson
Sara Hernandez
Janski Ortiz
Jen Buckland
Black student Success Statement
Next Two Years
Major Improvement Strategy 24-25
Culturally Responsive Tier 1 PBIS
Culturally Responsive Planning from Standards
CSC Role
Family Engagement
Principal Selection
Principal Evaluation
CSC and Finding Consensus
A thorough Understanding
Returning Members:
Sara Hernandez Parent Teacher Organization
Manuel Mercado Secretary
Jessica Hernandez Classify Employee
Jen Buckalnd Principal
More parents to get more staff on committee
Overall Enrollment 720 students
ECE 61
Kinder 103
First 110
Second 119
Third 110
Fourth 98
Principal Update
School Culture – Call Me Mister/MSU, Black Student Success Partnerships, TSel, Dojo, Positive Behavior Support
Safety: School Expectations Calibrated Across School
Instruction: CKLA K-5TH, Really Great Reading for Intervention, New Math Curriculum Coming next year
Assessments: Interims, DIBELS, CMAS
Title 1 Funds: Intervention Literacy,/Math Social Worker
Items Proposed from the team:
More guidance from co-chairs
ECE Playground has been completed
Wood Chips will be replaced by fiber pallets
CSC Meeting
Monday, November 4 · 3:30 – 4:30pm
Time zone: America/Denver
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hvz-eynr-dbc
Or dial: (US) +1 786-540-5203 PIN: 958 491 826#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/hvz-eynr-dbc?pin=5356336752633
CSC Semester 1 Updates and Enrollment information.
In person and virtual.
CSC Members: Mr. Mercado Secretary – Ms. Jessica Chair – Ms. Sara Hernandez – Chair 2
Would you rather? Brainstorm
GVE Key Priorities
Teirria Chalk
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Kayla Estrada
Raiko Johnson
Sara Hernandez
Jonski Ortiz
Jen Buckland
Black student Success Statement
Next Two Years
Major Improvement Strategy 24-25
Culturally Responsive Tier 1 PBIS
Culturally Responsive Planning from Standards
CSC Role
Family Engagement
Principal Selection
Principal Evaluation
CSC and Finding Consensus A thorough Understanding.
Returning Members:
Sara Hernandez Parent Teacher Organization
Manuel Mercado Secretary
Jessica Hernandez Classify Employee
Jen Buckalnd Principal
More parents to get more staff on committee. Enrollment
Overall Enrollment 720 students
ECE 61
Kinder 103
First 110
Second 119
Third 110
Fourth 98
Principal Update:
School Culture – Call Me Mister/MSU, Black Student Success Partnerships, TSel, Dojo, Positive Behavior Support
Safety: School Expectations Calibrated Across School
Instruction: CKLA K-5TH, Really Great Reading for Intervention, New Math Curriculum Coming next year
Assessments: Interims, DIBELS, CMAS
Title 1 Funds: Intervention Literacy,/Math Social Worker
Items Proposed from the team:
More guidance from co-chairs
ECE Playground has been completed
Wood Chips will be replaced by fiber pallets
CSC Notes
December 12, 2024
Teirria Chalk
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Kayla Estrada
Raiko Johnson
Sara Hernandez
Janski Ortiz
Jen Buckland
Mara Ortiz
Megan Coggins
Returning Members
Sara Hernandez
Mr. Mercado
Ms. Jessica
Megan Coggins will join as parents
Kayla Estrada will join as parents
3rd Modular
Upcoming meeting GT Program at GVE
CSC Virtual Trainning meeting Jan 7th district managed
CSC Members: Especially members of the ELL community, Hispanic and Middle Eastern
Call Me Mister Graduation
Culturally Responsive Tier 1 PBIS Systems
Culturally Responsive Planning from Standards
Plans for donations to the community during the holidays.
ACCESS Testing coming in January
Next Meeting in February 4th 2024
PBIS will be invited
CSC Notes
January 30, 2025
Teirria Chalk
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Kayla Estrada
Raiko Johnson
Sara Hernandez
Janski Ortiz
Jen Buckland
Mara Ortiz
Megan Coggins
Reduce ESL
Dean Position
Reduce Mild/Moderate para
Reduce additional Swork (.4)
Reduce Para Staff from MLE, K
Restructure math supports
Math fellows, Math Intervention
Need for Math in STL Role
Full time nursing
Full time GT
CSC Members will vote prioritazing the potential reduction options
According to current numbers we can not cut any homeroom positions
Ms. Buckland explains all positions and their roles
Considerations for Reductions will presented to the district Friday January 30, 2025
CSC Notes
February 27, 2024
Teirria Chalk
Manuel Mercado
Jessica Hernandez
Kayla Estrada
Jen Buckland
Sara Hernandez
Jessica Zicker
Mara Ortiz
Megan Coggins
Raiko Johnson
Mara Ortiz
Gifted and Talented Program at GVE
Interpretation services available for parents in the upcoming meeting.
Ms. Butler presents and explains what the Gifted and Talented Program is in DPS also known as GT, the process to identify students, testing, how to refer a student and some resources for parents to use: https://sites.google.com/dpsk12.net/gtatgreenvalley/identification-process
The information will be posted on the school’s website.
GT students are seen by Ms. Butler at least once a week, sometimes two times and this time to work on their goals.
If a Gifted student moves to another district records could be requested.
Gifted students Magnet School eligible through the Universal Screener.
We have 48 students identified in Green Valley, we had 33 students when we started. We expect to have more students identified through the end of the year.
Grades have become more balanced with GT identification.
More options for GT students in middle school
Once students have a GT plan it will follow them through the 12th grade.
Universal Testing could be given every three years. Other content areas could be tested more often through the IOWA test.
The Universal test is a non-verbal test. The universal test in second grade is divided into three sections which is more advanced than the one given in Kinder that includes math. Overall, all these tests analyze the way students think.
If a student did not qualify in Kindergarten, but new data suggests testing again, it could be done.
Parents can refer a student through a google doc (included in the presentation) or email Ms. Butler.
Spanish directions can be given when taking the Universal testing.
Once they are identified they don’t need to be evaluated in Colorado.
Destination Imagination where schools have teams and volunteers run the teams where they come up with a project where students would have to solve it and might even participate in competitions with other schools. If anyone is interested in running a Destination Imagination program let Ms. Buckland know.
Possible meeting on March 20th, may be looking at planning for next year.
We were supposed to have a Bond to replace wood chips with rubber material around equipment but DPS has denied the request. Possible topic for next meeting to involve Spanish speaking parents in CSC.
We will possibly change the time for next CSC meetings to accommodate parents.