Posted October 9, 2024


     Fall 2024

Dear GVE Families

We are happy to announce our GVE Fall 2024 Book Fair. Below find all the important information. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for all you do! Gratefully, Heike Parks

Book Fair Dates and Times:

  • Students – visit by class schedule:  Oct 21-25, 2024
  • Family/Friends          3:00-4:00 pm:     Oct 21-25, 2024 
  • Family/Friends          3:00-6:00 pm: 10/22 and 10/24, 2024   (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
  • Virtual shopping: Oct 18-31, 2024

Class visits to the Book Fair in the GVE Library:    

All classes, Intermediate and Primary, are scheduled to visit the Book Fair for 45 minutes during their regular scheduled Library Time that week. All teachers are requested to attend with their students as their assistance is needed and they are able to shop for the classroom library.                              

Book Fair Website:

Visit the GVE Book Fair homepage to learn more!


The Book Fair Website provides a free and convenient digital payment option, a safe alternative for students to shop cashless anytime during the Book Fair. Parents/Family easily create an eWallet by simply adding funds and inviting family and friends to contribute. All purchases benefit our school. 

Book Fair Teacher Preview  / Classroom Library Wishlist:

All Teachers and Staff are invited to the Book Fair Preview on Friday, 10/18/24, 3-4 pm to fill out their Classroom Library Wishlist. The books will be paid for with Scholastic Dollars earned during the Book Fair and delivered to the classroom after the Book Fair 

Personal shopping will not be available at that time, but books can be placed on hold. If you are unable to join us at the preview, please stop by the Book Fair during the week to find books for your classroom library and/or personal shopping.


To get everyone excited, the Book Fair is advertised on Social Media, Dojo, GVE website, and fliers


– Volunteers are vital to run a successful Book Fair! Therefore, we ask that you please help us recruit parent volunteers. You may forward the Volunteer Form to interested adults. 

– It is highly recommended, especially for Primary Grades and ECE, to have additional parent volunteers during their class visit. (Please note that ALL visitors need to sign in at the Front Office!)

– ALL GVE Team Members are invited to volunteer during the Book Fair, set-up, and take down. You may contact me or fill in the volunteer form.

Donations and Coupons: 

– A GVE Teachers eWallet is set up where ANYONE can add funds/donations. With the donated funds we will purchase books for classrooms and students who could not get one otherwise. Feel free to promote and share this eWallet! (Although it defaulted to Pre-K, this eWallet is meant for ALL Grade Levels) 

– As a THANK YOU for all you do, ALL GVE Teachers, Staff Members, and Book Fair Volunteers will receive a $5 Scholastic Coupon and a $10 GVE Coupon for one $35+ purchase during Book Fair!

¡Estimadas familias de la escuela primaria Green Valley!

Prepárese: ¡la Feria del Libro GVE Otoño 2024 se llevará a cabo pronto! Esta es una gran oportunidad para conectarse con su hijo y compartir la emoción de llevar a casa libros nuevos para leer una y otra vez. Los estudios demuestran que los niños leen más cuando eligen libros por sí mismos. Y fomentar el amor por la lectura independiente genera una amplia variedad de beneficios, incluido el éxito académico y una mejor salud mental.

  • Estudiantes-horario escolar: Oct 21 – 25, 2024
  • Familia/amigos 3:00-4:00 pm: Oct 21 – 25, 2024
  • Familia/amigos 3:00-6:00 pm: 10/22 and 10/24/2024
  • Compras virtuales:                     Oct 18 – 31, 2024

Hay aún más información en la página de inicio de la Feria del Libro de nuestra escuela: 

Mientras esté allí, configure una eWallet para la Feria del Libro, la cuenta de pago digital que le permite a su hijo comprar libros en la Feria sin efectivo. Luego comparta el enlace de su billetera electrónica para que familiares y amigos puedan agregar fondos.

Muchos de nosotros todavía recordamos la prisa por encontrar el libro perfecto en una Feria del Libro Scholastic. Espero que se una a su hijo en la feria de nuestra escuela y comparta una experiencia de lectura que recordarán para siempre. 

Esté atento a un correo electrónico de nuestra bibliotecaria, la Sra. Parks, con más información sobre la Feria del Libro.

Feliz lectura,

Jennifer Buckland


Green Valley Elementary

Denver Public Schools

PD: ¿Necesitas un motivo más para visitar la Feria del Libro? ¡Cada compra en la Feria beneficia a nuestra escuela!